This event coincides with the British Library Green and Ethical month in May and there are lots of events happening to raise awareness of how consumers and business can be greener and make ethical changes. See the whole programme and book here
About She' Ingenious
The Association for Women with New Product Ideas and Inventions is founded by new product development specialist and personal coach, Cally Robson.
The community represents the growing numbers of women who are coming up with innovative products and services, and using the Web to develop and promote them.The Association's website is the central hub of the community, run with the aim of providing practical support and guidance, networking, know-how and inspiration to women who are commercializing their innovative product and business ideas across the UK and beyond. Visit the website to find out more.
As you all know, Rome was not built in a day and every business experience is different. I am delighted and looking forward to meeting everyone to share with you the good the bad and ugly.