Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Caring for your lips

Did you know that your lips are very delicate?... and does not have the protective barrier that the rest of the face has.
Your lips lack protection from sun damage, they are not protected from environmental factors like heat, air conditions, wind and harsh weather.

This is why your lips loose moisture and is prone to dryness, chapping and dehydration.

To keep your lips plum, i recommend you care for it as we do other parts of our body by regular exfoliation and moisturising, to prevent dryness, chapping and sometimes cracking. Your lips need balms to seal in moisture which also act as barriers against environmental damage and the weather.

Most commercial addictive lip balms are made from petrochemical ingredients such as petroleum jelly or mineral oil;which clog pores & obstruct the skins ability to breath. It is advisable to go for lip balms that contain natural ingredients that will protect your lips and not cause dryness.

WuChi lip balms are created to do just one thing, to protect your lips, keep them moisturised, seal in moisture and keep them plum; they are made from only natural and organic ingredients like Beeswax, plant based cold pressed oils, Mango & Shea butter and scented with 100% essential oils for added benefits.

Adopt the following steps to keeping your lips protected...

Exfoliate your lips: just as you exfoliate your body, exfoliating your lips helps get rid of dry dead flaky skin; it helps prepare the lips for the absorption of your lip balms or gloss or lip stick. it will help keep your lips in good shape; remember to exfoliate gently and regularly..

How to exfoliate your lips:

  1. Using a soft brush or damp muslin cloth exfoliate gently for 2 mins or
  2. Apply honey to your lips and use as a base for exfoliating for 2 min and rinse + apply barrier cream or
  3. Use 1 tbs brown sugar and 1/2 spoon lemon juice mix and use as a lip scrub, gently exfoliate for 2 min; rinse and apply lip balm to seal in moisture or
  4. Apply honey to lips; use a muslin cloth as a lip exfoliator gently for 2 min; rinse and apply lip balm to seal in moisture.
Enjoy soft luscious lips this summer.... visit our website to stock up on our yummilicious lipbalms ( Coco & Mango lip balms)

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